Sunday, October 19, 2014

Farm Trip!

My boyfriend and I drove around lost for an hour looking for a pumpkin picking patch today. We went down to exit 68, ended up going past to exit 70, then turning around and finding a cute little farm and pumpkin patch in East Setauket. Though the selection of pumpkins wasn't the greatest, I had so much fun making friends with all of the animals and photographing all the plants! I had such a great fall day!!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Time Management

This week we had to do a project about time management. It was interesting to see how much free time that I have in the evenings right now. It would be interesting to redo this project next week after I start my job at Target, and compare the two charts. I also learned just how much time I spend working on and learning photoshop. Editing software is a very important part of my future career, and I love that I am doing everything that I can to learn it now.
This is a composite that I made tonight in my Digital Photo One class tonight. I love combining multiple images and being able to manipulate photographs to create something new. Photographing the fish was a bigger challenge than I expected. Even though there was a light above, it was a rather dark tank. I also needed a pretty high shutter speed to freeze the motion of the fish. I used a polarizing filter to reduce the reflections in the glass, but you can still see some! Overall this was a really fun project to shoot and edit in photoshop

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Contest Entry?

As I culled and edited the large batch of photos from last week's "themes" photoshoot, I came across one that I really liked. For the last two years I have entered Nikon Sponsored Best of College and High School Photography contest and each year I have been a finalist, published in their giant book of finalists. This year, I want to score higher. As the deadline is approaching quickly, I would love any input on my photographs, in order to improve my own skills
As this week passed, I had another photo project for my Digital I class. This weeks themes was 'close ups." I went to the beach, discovered a marriage proposal, ran around chasing the deer, and found lots of cool rocks and shells. Here are a few of my favorite images from this week